Technology rushed to the rescue of many people seeking solutions for various problems and it comes as no surprise that roulette players use it to maximize their chances. Roulette computers are not exactly a novelty, with the first devices being produced decades ago, but the latest technologies made it possible for developers to come up with increasingly effective products.

The modern Roulette computers are tiny electronic devices that pro casino players try to keep hidden, while these gadgets help them predict the spot, or at least the area where the ball will land. They claim to achieve that by performing complex calculations, involving the deceleration of the ball and its speed as it slides around the wheel. Those who produce these devices will try to convince the audience that they are foolproof and in exchange of a lot of money, any player can use such a device.

While it’s not a lie if they believe it, prospective customers should at least make the effort of understanding how the roulette computers work, if they do at all. Keep reading if you are serious about acquiring such a device, so you can make an educated decision and place an order only if you are convinced by the usefulness of such an investment.

Brief history of roulette computer wins

Back in the day, casino managers used to believe that roulette players were not that smart and by simply allowing them to play often enough, they will strip them of all their cash. As a result, they were not overly concerned about the prospect of these guys cheating on them using complex systems or high tech devices. They focused almost exclusively on preventing collusion between players and the dealers, which was and still is, by far the most popular way of cheating.

Professor Edward Thorp takes on Vegas casinos

For quite a while, the Las Vegas casinos lived in their fantasy world, until brilliant mathematicians and physicians got tempted by the potential profits. Some of them didn’t start their experiments with the intention of actually winning as much money as possible in land-based casinos, but simply trying to prove their theories. Edward Thorp is not exactly your everyday roulette player, but a former professor of mathematics at the New Mexico State University, with a keen eye for this game.

The fathers of roulette computers

For quite a while, he suspected that casino games in general, not only roulette could be beaten, by making use of mathematics and technology. He was the first one to prove that it is possible to win constantly when playing blackjack by simply counting cards. Actually Thorp is the man who changed the game forever with his famous treatise on Blackjack “Beat the dealer”. Eventually, the casinos decided to ban him from all the tables, but by that time, he already proved his point, by winning at both blackjack and baccarat tables. He is the man (together with various players who put his theory to good use) who actually forced the casino to change the way the game is played and introduced the much hated automatic shuffling machines as countermeasure.

In 1961 Thorp turned his attention to the roulette wheel and he together with M.I.T. professor Claude Shannon can safely be regarded as the fathers of roulette computers, because they actually created the first such device, specifically to beat roulette. Yes, the first wearable computer ever made was a “roulette computer”. This was small enough to be hidden under a jacket, so he took on some of the greatest Las Vegas casinos, to test his invention. In lab conditions, it worked brilliantly, but real-life posed some unique challenges, that the professor had a hard time overcoming.

The first “wearable” roulette computer (1961)

The Eudaemons pit math against casinos

The 70’s were some interesting years for roulette players, with the Las Vegas expansion in full swing, but four UCSC students had different things in mind. Instead of walking down the traveled paths, they decided to use technology and mathematics to beat the proverbial house edge. They called themselves The Eudaemons, after a philosophical theory that the four students had embraced.

They dedicated almost two years to build a tiny computer capable of using the data collected by the students themselves, with a tiny clicker hidden in a shoe. Back then, wireless technology was not available at this level, but they made good use of hidden wires to convey the electronic signal to a ‘vibro-tactile’ output system hidden under the shirt. Three solenoid actuators were then used to indicate the area of the roulette where the players should bet, or signal that betting was not recommended on that spin.

The device itself worked to some extent and they made in excess of $10,000, but an incident in which the insulation failed and the solenoid burned one of the players, brought the project to a screeching halt. While they didn’t get rich as a result and chose to return to their academic schedule, the experiment was a success. On one hand it inspired people to keep looking for a way of beating the house, on the other it preceded predictive analytics and data science.

The Eudaemons team and their roulette computer hidden in a shoe

Players use high-tech gadget to win 7-digit amount

Success stories are the catalyst for more people to attempt something similar and Scott Lang was one of the first people to use digital stopwatches to calculate the area where the ball was more likely to land. The casinos banned stopwatches soon after, but more recently another event encourages players to invest in roulette computers. A team of three players won in excess of €1 million playing roulette at the Ritz Hotel and Casino using a modern device for sector targeting.

These three players worked as a team and each one had a very specific role to play. One of them was using the roulette computer to calculate the decaying orbit on the ball. The other one paid attention to the moment at which the ball was released and determined its velocity after one spin. And the third one placed the bets. These calculations are impossible for the human brain to perform them on the fly, but today’s handheld computers have the ability to produce the correct numbers almost instantly.

They were eventually apprehended by the police and everyone wondered whether they will be released and allowed to spend the money, or spend some time in jail. Some roulette players who contemplate the possibility of using similar devices, were wise to wait a bit longer to see what happens. Ultimately, the judge presiding over their trial determined that no crime had been committed and the accused were let off free. They got a lifetime ban, from every serious casino in the world though.

How do Roulette Computers work?

In a nutshell, they harness the power of tiny computers to calculate things such as ball deceleration and bounce, in an attempt of predicting the slot where the ball will eventually land. They calculate the strike point of the ball and although the ball does scatter, its scatters with a predicted deviation and variance, forming a classical bell shaped distribution pattern, where the peak maximum area is usually a certain number of pockets away from the strike point. Hoping to find a device that will allow you to bet on specific numbers with high accuracy is obviously nothing more than wishful thinking, but even sector targeting can be an ambitious project.

Some set-ups make use of modern devices that are unassuming, such as smart phones, equipped with laser scanners. These have the ability of calculating the velocity at which the roulette wheel (rotor) spins, as well as the speed of the ball. One of the players will need to observe the wheel for a long period of time, so that the number of samples is high enough to lead to relevant conclusions. The more time you spend, the more accurate the results and the most important thing is to identify variations.

The laser has the uncanny ability of measuring the velocity of the ball from the moment it is released, something that the human eye is incapable of. Roulette computers make use of several passing points, with the data being fed to the computer so that this can calculate the decaying orbit. Just as the name suggests, this refers to the trajectory of the ball, as it slows down, before ultimately resting in one slot. This measurement is usually taken by using a “Clicker”. The user clicks the device repetedly when the ball and the rotor pass a specific point of the stationary wheel track, usually a bumper or a diamond.

For the roulette computer to work flawlessly, the ball would need to travel at the same time each round and the wheel itself must have the same velocity. Not only this doesn’t happen all too often, but there are other things to take into consideration that can affect the results and lead to a reliable data. There is a reason for why these devices work so well in laboratories and are mostly disappointing in real life situations, where the environment is far from perfect.

The best case scenario is for the device to predict the sector, so that on the long run players can reverse the house edge and start as slight favorites. The players need to wait a little before the roulette computers to provide them with the record-based about what numbers to wager on, which is a challenge in itself. If the croupier notices that there is something off, he or she can simply call no more bets earlier, therefore preventing players from using the device at all.

Roulette computers explained

Every roulette computer set-up is different, that’s why it gets hard to understand how they work. So we will skip the details and explain the basic steps of using a roulette computer, so you get a very rough idea what they are and how they work.
In general the operation is:

  1. The player makes measurements of the ball and wheel speeds. This is usually done by the player switching a clicker in his pocket or in his mouth. This can also be done by laser.
  2. The measurement data is sent to the “computer”, the computer does specific calculations and predicts the next number. The computer can be a smartphone or a “tiny device” the size of a casino chip.
  3. The computer sends the info (prediction of what number to bet) back to you or your team-player. This info can be sent by audio (tiny earpiece or mouthpiece) or by vibration in your hand or electric zaps on your skin.
  4. The player makes the bet.

The whole process must be completed within a spin and before the dealer calls “no more bets!”. Every second counts and every mistake will be paid. It is a operation that requires quick reflexes, practice, composure and the best possible electronic equipment.

Electronic equipment used to predict the number of the next spin

FFV: Smaller than a casino chip

The computer itself is the one that performs all the complex calculations and players don’t actually need to understand the algorithms behind these devices. After all, they pay for roulette computers instead of manufacturing them by themselves, so they can jump right to the fun part. As long as they are small enough as to be hidden in a smart phone or pack of cigars, they fit the purpose. What gamblers need to do is to become familiar with the accessories that make the entire contraption work and practice the routine.

Roulette vibrator

The Clicker is an essential part of roulette computers and the best versions are small enough to be concealed in a pen, footwear or even glued to a tooth. The player clicks it when the ball passes specific points on the wheel-track in order to measure the balls’ deceleration speed, without attracting attention. In a similar way, by clicking when a specific number (usually the zero) passes a specific point of the wheel-track, the player can measure the wheel speed. The data of the measurements are then sent to a tiny “computer” or a Smartphone to perform the calculations. Smartphones are generally slower in their calculations than a specialized tiny computer chip, but they have the advantage of being inconspicuous and players can justify their existence, if there are any suspicions about what they are doing. They are also powerful enough as in conjunction with the specialized device, so they pack quite a punch.

The human element is also a problem because if you shake uncontrollably or need to wipe out your sweat every two minutes, you will raise the alarm flights. Communication is essential, for the parties involved to convey data smoothly in real time and earpieces are the obvious choice. It goes without saying that they must be tiny and wireless, with several players using them at the same time for a stealthy operation.

Wireless super-small speakers are routinely used, because they are so small that it is virtually impossible for anyone to notice their existence. Players have a couple of seconds between the moment when the information reaches them and the time when all the bets are off. It is during this narrow window of opportunity that they need to make their plays and hope that the pocket roulette computer will make them rich. Alternatively the player can receive the info of what number to bet by a mouthpiece or a little vibrator or even by electric zaps in his skin.

Where to buy a roulette computer

If you think about it, it seems obvious that the experts on roulette computers are the guys who build them. They know their devices, their features and their limitations, what they can and can’t do, better than anyone else. They are also every day in contact with people why use or have tried to use them and are well aware of the practical, legal and technical considerations. And most important of all they can sell you a roulette computer.

Do you have made the decision to go the roulette computer route? Then there are many parameters still to consider before making your final choice about which product to buy. Ease of use, support, reliability, flexibility and obviously price are important aspects you should take into account before your purchase.

We have researched the offerings of the most well known and reputable sellers, namely Mark Howe and Forester, as well as some basic gadgets. We have compiled a quite detailed roulette computer buyer’s guide with very specialized and useful information on what to expect, where to buy and most importantly which sellers to avoid!

How to use Roulette Computers undetected?

Let’s assume that you are the proud owner of a Roulette computer that actually works, unlikely as it is. The next challenge is to make sure that you can avoid detection while putting this brilliant device to good use. Luckily for you, casinos are no longer run by the mob (at least that’s what we like to believe) so the worst-case scenario is to end up in jail or receive a lifetime ban, as opposed to being fed to the pigs.

Avoiding detection is not as easy as it seems and players need to understand the properties of wearable devices and the things that alert the dealers. Croupiers are not rocket scientists but it would be a mistake to underestimate them, because even if they don’t have a PhD, they can draw some basic conclusions. They also see thousands of people playing roulette and they can sense when something is off or when a player is unreasonably nervous.

The clicker hidden in the casino card (Gumstick computer by Mark Howe)

Staring at the wheel like a maniac and tapping your finger in the pocket is a surefire way of raising suspicions, especially if you win. Sad as it is, losers don’t get too much attention but in this particular situation you would rather be included in this category, than spending too much time in the spotlight. In short, you are doomed to fail miserably if you try to use it by yourself and don’t have the full backing of a team.

One player should take the timing, while someone else lays the bets, which means that you will also need wireless equipment. This brings us to the next challenge of using roulette computers, as players will need additional equipment besides the aforesaid device. Using Bluetooth devices is the obvious solution, but these are actually bombs with their fuses already burning, because anyone can detect them, by simply searching for Bluetooth devices.

If you think that casino managers haven’t thought about it, then the joke is on you and you will soon find yourself expelled out from the casino and banned for life from every casino. What players require is an invisible wireless network that can’t be scanned, which is not only expensive but also hard to acquire. Surprisingly enough, those who sell roulette computers don’t say anything about these gadgets and they don’t provide them either, so players are pretty much on their own.

Players should use military grade scanners to test the wireless devices they have and even then, there is no guarantee that casinos don’t have you beaten. This is a classical game of cat and mouse and the players are obviously the tiny rodents, albeit equipped with expensive devices that give them a sense of power.

The legal problems that can result from using such devices are not only numerous but also difficult to predict, with the issue being settled differently in various jurisdictions. The UK Gambling Commission for instance, encourages casinos to deny payment to cheaters, so that they will have to defend themselves in a court of law. This is a major inconvenient for roulette players using these devices, but they definitely prefer it to other alternatives and are probably going to keep trying to beat the system.

Mark Griffiths, Europe’s only professor of gambling, believes that ‘a piece of equipment that calculates where a ball will land, is akin to card counting in blackjack. It’s not cheating – it’s using science to give you a better advantage.” In fact, a recent ruling from the Spanish Supreme Court reignited hope among players, as a casino was prevented from banning two players who claimed to have ‘used science’ (computers?) to predict results.

According to Professor Barnhart (1992) “the use of an electronic device to aid gambling” is a felony in Nevada. This is the case for many other places in the world with a developed casino scene, like Macau.

Roulette computers are considered cheating devices and their use is a felony in Nevada

Players need to do the due diligence and undertake some research to determine themselves the legal implications in different countries. In the absence of a unitary gambling law, the differences can be significant and so are the consequences. The most likely outcome if caught is to get banned and refused to get paid your winnings, but there are worst possible endings.

Even the best case scenario of getting banned from major casinos, is pretty frustrating assuming you have spent a lot of money on roulette computers. As explained above, playing in shady places is even riskier and we strongly advice against choosing these dubious casinos. On one hand, the roulette wheels are probably in a precarious shape and it will be virtually impossible to predict the outcome with all the variables, on the other you are in serious danger of getting your ass kicked or worse.

Ending up in jail is the worst case scenario and the prospect of having many years to think about roulette systems has a deterring effect on most players. The legislative frame isn’t fully fledged and using roulette computers is not a crime per se, still it’s not the kind of risk that people should take for illusory profits.

Technical challenges and pitfalls

The vendors of roulette computers are not exactly saints either and many of them are only after a quick buck, so they would sell non-functional devices without blinking. In addition to those who sell broken pocket computers that are good for nothing, prospective customers can run into those who run highly sophisticated scams. Even honest operators, could end up selling you a useless gadget, because it works exclusively on their roulette wheel and is far from effective in real casinos.

A computer with a hand/toe switch is almost impossible to be effective on level wheels. On a leveled (not tilted) wheel the deceleration scheme of the ball is not the same every time from spin to spin. Most computers calculate the outcome with a single scheme, and use a hand switch which is inaccurate. Mathematically a difference of 40 ms means the ball traveling 1/4 – 1/2 extra revolution at the end of the spin, on a level wheel.

Although they are marketed as foolproof and easy to use, roulette computers still require skill and knowledge. The end-goal is to beat the house, so it makes perfect sense that a thorough understanding of mathematics and some physics is required. Even the bankroll management rules change slightly when these devices come into play, so it is only fair to say that they can’t be put to good use by anyone.

The forecast for the upcoming years is not glamorous, but there are good reasons to be optimistic about the impact of roulette computers. Technology is one of the few unstoppable things and as long as there is motivation, brilliant minds will always find a way. Remember Edward Thorp, his devices and blackjack systems that send shock waves in Las Vegas, in a time when technology was rather rudimentary.

Big money will always motivate smart people and in a not so distant future, we might have roulette computers that are powerful and versatile enough to beat the game in any land-based casino.


Selling dreams has always been an easy thing to accomplish, for the simple reason that people want to hear something that they already hope to be true. Roulette computers of today are largely overpriced gadgets that deliver subpar results at best and in some cases they can cause a great deal of trouble. Spending tens of thousands of dollars for a product that might work but is more likely to backfire badly is not the kind of investment that rational people would do.

It is in theory possible for roulette computers to crush the game in certain situations and let’s admit that somewhere in the world, some people are using them to make a fortune. If this is the case, they are not only in possession of extraordinary technology, but also lack those human weaknesses that prove fatal to so many gamblers. It’s more likely that such a device is not yet available and the worst part is that when someone overcomes all the technical difficulties, it will be all in vain because the game of roulette would cease to exist.

Take a moment and try to answer this simple question. If someone owns such a device that can make millions of dollars, why would he try to market it over the Internet, even for a hefty paycheck? Wouldn’t this expose them to the scrutiny of casinos and ultimately render the miraculous gadget useless? If the answer is not self evident, then by all means, go ahead and spend thousands of dollars on a roulette computer and live the dream.