A.P Heat

Advantage Play in California Card Rooms

California has two types of entities that offer casino table games. There are the Native American casinos that operate Las Vegas-style games. The gambler who visits these casinos will find a full slate of card-based table games that play in every way like the same games in Las Vegas and elsewhere.

Baccarat Angst

I have long avoided the subject of baccarat mythology on this blog. I am a seeker of scientific truth. As substitutes for truth, fiction, story telling, anecdotes, false memories, mythology and outright lies frustrate me.

What's Skill Got To Do With It?

I confess, I am at least 20 years older than the oldest “millennial.” I’ve experimented with Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, but find them too intrusive on my privacy. The social networking I do consists of contributing to a few old-fashioned message boards and keeping a blog.

Response to "Casinos are 'The Enemy'"

Recently a reader "Rob" wrote an extended comment to this post explaining his opinion that casinos are "the enemy." Rob made some points that are core to many AP's defense of their "enemy/evil" maxim towards casinos.  I am going to take this opportunity to respond to Rob's arguments, as well as the "casinos are the enemy" doctrine, directly in this post.

You (Rob) wrote: