Sean Chaffin is a freelance writer in Crandall, Texas. His work appears in numerous websites and publications. Follow him on Twitter @PokerTraditions. He is also the host of the True Gambling Stories podcast, available on iTunes, Google Play, TuneIn Radio, Spotify, Stitcher,,, and other platforms.
Sean Chaffin
's Articles
As most casino gamblers know, the odds of winning one of winning a jackpot with six, even, or eight figures is almost infinitesimal. Those eye-popping payouts may make plenty of headlines, but like the lottery the odds are extremely long.
Slot manufacturers are offering gamblers more options than ever and that includes games related to rock and roll.
Casino gaming has come a long way when it comes to design. Keep reading to learn more about the evolution of the design of these gambling houses.
It’s always nice to avoid some of the bad bets in a casino and here’s a quick look at some of those to avoid.
Like a slot machine, pinball games feature cool sights and sounds. Leep reading to check out some cool pinball machines featuring gambling and casinos.
Take a tour of some unique and bizarre casino style games – from Japanese Pachinko games to Puerto Rico horse racing machines and more.