Players can pick new bet selections in roulette games or opt for auto repeat betting. But have you ever wondered what the best method is?  

This article explores the pros and cons of setting auto repeat betting vs. making new bet selections in roulette games.

If you’ve been playing roulette games for more than several weeks you’ve probably settled into a routine of how you place bets online.

New Bet Selections in Strategy Roulette Games

Making new bet selections in roulette games can be an advantage. For instance, if you’re targeting certain roulette numbers in different games, then making tweaks to your roulette bet selections could pay off. You might be following a roulette strategy, and the rules say you must select different roulette numbers. 

However, gamblers shouldn’t underestimate the power of using the auto repeat betting function found in online roulette games.

With auto repeat betting, you know your roulette numbers so bet selection mistakes are avoided. 

Auto Repeat Betting in Roulette Games Avoids Common Mistakes 

I’ve lost count of the times I’ve made new bet selections in roulette games only to have left out just one number that the ball ends up landing on. Such mistakes can be costly.

If you are disorganized or distracted in a casino at the roulette table, roulette outcomes have a way of punishing you. It almost feels as if an invisible power controls the roulette ball just to remind you why the house always wins. Maybe it’s fate – I just don’t know.

When roulette games are sped up it’s easy to make mistakes. Being able to process a new roulette betting layout, spin after spin can be challenging. Especially when trying to be exact and place chips on a roulette table before “no more bets” is announced. 

Online Roulette vs. Land-Based Roulette

Playing online roulette helps prevent getting distracted because the table betting layout isn’t covered with other player’s chips. 

In a land-based casino, one of the biggest causes of confusion leading to mistakes is other players filling the betting layout with chips. Before the start of some games, there’re just so many chips you can no longer see the roulette numbers. 

I recall one evening I was playing a roulette system on a busy table in London, England. There were heads, arms and hands everywhere. 

With chips in my hand, I reached over to the far side of the roulette table towards green zero. As I tried to lift my head, an Amazonian Warrior looking woman’s arm was over my head as she was placing chips.     

My head was trapped between her armpit and locked in over the 2nd dozen, the 2-to-1 payout odds option. I still managed to hold on to my chips, but I don’t think I was able to place them on the correct numbers when I was finally freed. 

When roulette tables are busy, players frantically place chips as the ball is spinning. In fact, before the dealer has finished paying out the last winners, the betting layout is filling with chips. Dealers allow this so long as you don’t place chips on or near the last winning number. 

As soon as the dealer removes the dolly marker from the last winning roulette number, the roulette ball is spun once again. And the race is on to place your bets on your selected roulette numbers.

If you’re playing kind of randomly, (not following any pattern or set roulette strategy) then I guess you won’t feel as though you can make any mistakes. Ultimately, you’re trusting in luck over number connections and probabilities of forming patterns.

Playing Online Roulette in Your Own Space

I favor playing live roulette online these days because I have more control. I can see the betting layout when I place my bets I’m doing so in my own environment. I’m able to focus on roulette games without being distracted or worse, hindered by other players.

Advantage of Repeat Betting in Roulette 

Making repeat bets in roulette games is an advantage at busy land-based tables. You don’t need to delay betting because you’re trying to work out what new numbers to place your chips on.

Advantages of Auto Repeat Betting in Roulette 

Auto repeat betting played on roulette games online is super convenient. You don’t need to watch the screen all the time. I can place my chips wherever I’m allowed to and select the auto repeat function. 

Intermittently, using auto repeat:

  • I can increase or decrease my stakes. I can choose to bet more chips or fewer chips when winning and decide the same when losing on roulette games. 
  • I can control my bankroll based on how often my numbers are hitting.

One of the biggest advantages betting on roulette using auto repeat for all new games is being able to focus on profit vs. loss.

Setting Auto Repeat to Stop Roulette Games When in Profit 

On some online roulette games, I can set the auto repeat betting function to end automatically once I have reached my profit target.   

If I’m not too greedy and have my fair share of luck, I should be able to return to the screen of the device I’m playing roulette on to see a nice profit. 

Setting Auto Repeat to Stop Roulette Games When Losing

I can also set the roulette auto repeat betting function to stop repeating bets if the balance of my bankroll is being depleted. At the end of the day, if my roulette numbers are not hitting as often as I need them to, I can always play roulette at another time. 

Best Points of Auto Repeat Betting in Roulette Games

With auto repeat betting in roulette games, the placing of individual chips is all done for me. I only choose my roulette numbers once and my selections can even be saved for when I play on other days.

If my numbers are not hitting, I can stop auto repeat and select a new set of roulette numbers. Playing online roulette is a bonus too because the roulette game can save a certain number of favorite betting layout selections.

For example, one of my favorite roulette auto repeat betting layouts might be to select the neighbors of certain numbers. And another might be a combination of selecting straight up numbers, splits, and even chance options as well as some 2-to-1 options. 

Auto Repeat Betting vs. New Bet Selections in Roulette Games Conclusion 

The best part of using the auto repeat betting function is that I can control my spending budget as I keep on eye on my winning and loss ratio.

That’s a bit trickier to do when placing new bet selections in roulette games. Which is why sometimes I prefer to sit back and hope my auto repeat betting selections are lucky.

Stephen R. Tabone is an English Writer from Great Britain. He is a casino games professional pattern player and outcomes systemiser. He is the Author of Bestselling Baccarat books, ‘The Ultimate Silver Bullet Proof Baccarat Winning Strategy 2.1’ and ‘The Ultimate Golden Secret Baccarat Winning Strategy 3.0’.

In 2011, Mr. Tabone earned a Bachelor of Arts degree with Honours in Creative Writing and Philosophy from the University of Greenwich, London. And holds qualifications in Law and in Business.