The old saying that variety is the spice of life can also apply to casino gaming. Different players are intrigued or bored by different things.

Personally, I find playing slot machines quite boring. The actual act of playing slot machines is very basic - make the bet (only on the first spin – if the bet does not change), and hit the spin button (or pull the handle on older games).

That is all there is to it. Repeatedly hit the spin button and watch the results. There is no thinking, no variety, and no real activity. 

Video poker requires some thought after each hand is dealt. The player examines the hand, chooses which cards to hold, and hits the draw button. The mental gymnastics make the game more interesting.

However, after playing tens of thousands of hands, even this game can become boring. This article looks at what players can do to help keep the game interesting.


  1. Video poker play becomes boring? Really?
  2. Quit playing video poker
  3. Vary the speed of play
  4. Switch games, machines, or break up playing sessions
  5. Keep track of the game statistics
  6. Summary

Video Poker Play Becomes Boring? Really?

Different types of players have different visions of “boring.” Most casino players play slot machines. I venture to guess most of them do not find the play boring – expensive, possibly, but boring – never.

I suspect most video poker players never get bored. How can a player get bored with determining the proper play for thousands of possible hands. I admit, it took a very long time before boredom crept in – but it did.

After playing around 800-1,000 hands an hour for six to 10 hours a day on monthly 4-day trips to the casino, play became boring. The video poker strategy was firmly locked in. Determining the proper hold took almost no time.

A steady rhythm developed. Hit the proper button and wins are immediately added to the game’s credit total. It started to feel like playing slots. The only thing that really broke the boredom was the occasional straight flush or royal. After a time, even hitting quads was not that exciting.

After a while, excitement waned. Rather than a fun and relaxing experience, it became almost a chore. What can a player do?

Quit Playing Video Poker

The first and most obvious answer is to quit playing video poker. For most players, however, this is not a viable option. Video poker is all they like to play. They do not like table games for various reasons and slot machines are boring. 

For those who like this option – take it. For those who do not, read on.

Vary the speed of play

Changing any aspect of play adds an element of variety which helps relieve boredom. Intentionally changing the speed of play may not change the repetitive nature of selecting the cards to hold from each hand, but it will break the boredom of a constant rhythm of play.

This is easy to do and it could very well be the tweak needed to alleviate the monotony.  

Switch Games, Machines, or Break Up Playing Sessions

Varying the speed of play is a minor adjustment that may produce some relief. There are more effective routes to take, however. Rather than changing the speed of play, try one of these options:

  • If well versed in a different game that has a similar return, switch to that game for a while. When that game becomes monotonous, switch back to the original game.
  • If not well versed in a different game, or if the other available game options have inferior returns, try switching machines (if one is available). The act of simply getting up, moving to a different machine, and starting again will reset the “boredom clock.”
  • The best option might be to take a break. Once a game becomes monotonous, mistakes can creep into play without being noticed. Take a break, and by break, I mean leave the casino. Go outside and walk around. Reenergize yourself. Return when you are once again alert and ready to play with enthusiasm.

Keep Track of Game Statistics

One option to break the monotony of play that I find useful is to record various events that happen during playing sessions. This started several years ago when trying to verify video poker games are random. Before starting play the following are recorded on a piece of paper:

  • Game
  • Denomination
  • Machine number
  • Start time
  • Starting player’s club points a
  • Names of several events to be monitored

At the session’s end, the following were recorded:

  • End time
  • Ending player’s club points*

* Used to calculate number of hands played.

Each time money is inserted or credits cashed out, the amount is recorded. When specific events happen, hash marks are added under that event’s heading on the paper. The events included:

  • Royal flush – along with the specific suit and the originally dealt hand
  • Straight flush – along with the ranks, suit, and originally dealt hand
  • Four of a kinds – along with rank, number originally dealt, and kicker (if relevant)
  • Full house
  • Four of a flush – and, if it filled, another mark under the “flush filled” heading

This information not only satisfied the original purpose, it also provided an interesting history and results of play. The added side benefit - it breaks up the monotony. 


Not every video poker player will experience boredom while playing the game. In fact, this probably affects a small minority of players. But when experienced video poker players play hundreds of thousands of hands a year, that play can become monotonous.

That can cause errors to creep into their play. While not an exhaustive list – nor practical for every player, the following can help alleviate the boredom:

  • Quit playing video poker
  • Vary the speed of play
  • Switch games, machines, or break up playing sessions
  • Keep track of game statistics

Video poker should be fun. When it becomes boring, consider the above suggestions.

Jerry “Stickman” has been involved in casino gambling for nearly 30 years. He is an expert in blackjack, craps, video poker and advantage slot machine play. He started playing blackjack in the late ‘80s, learned several card counting systems and used these skills to become an advantage blackjack player and overall winner of this game. He also acquired the skills necessary to become an overall winner in the game of craps, accomplishing this by a combination of throwing skill and proper betting techniques. Stich is also an overall winner playing video poker.