Much is written about when to stop playing video poker in a casino. Many say to stop playing when you are ahead. While that sounds good at first, that advice is not at all practical. A player does not want to stop playing after winning the first hand. Players may also never be ahead.

Articles that I have written in the past are focused on serious players – players who know and have practiced the proper playing strategies.

The vast majority of video poker players do not fit that profile, however. They are casual players who have neither the time nor inclination to learn and practice playing strategy. They simply want to go to the casino to have a good time and play some video poker while having a few drinks.

They are not particularly worried about winning (though they certainly are hoping that they will). What advice concerning when to walk away from the game can be given to this class of video poker players? Keep reading to find out.


  1. Casual versus serious?
  2. When a casual video poker player should quit playing
  3. Summary

Casual versus serious?

To understand when casual players should stop playing, one must understand the casual player’s motivations for playing video poker.

What defines a casual video poker player as opposed to a serious player? While the main focus of a serious player is to make money, the main focus of a casual player is to have fun.

A serious player will:

  • Learn what game type and pay table to look for to determine which games are best. 
  • Take time to search out video poker games with a good return.
  • Learn and practice the proper strategy for those games. 
  • Monitor how well they are playing the strategy.
  • Carefully manage their bankroll.

Casual players:

  • Do not care about the return of the video poker game.  They do not even know what to look for. They may know that Jacks or Better or Double-Double Bonus are popular, but not why.
  • Have no desire to “work” while in the casino.
    • They do not search for the games with the best return.
    • They do not learn nor practice proper playing strategy.
    • They do not know nor care if they are making the best play.
  • When it comes to bankroll, they (hopefully) bring with them an amount they can afford to lose. They expect to lose what they bring (but they have fun), and are happy if they go home with something left over. They celebrate going home with a win.

When a casual video poker player should quit playing

As noted in the previous section, casual players have very different reasons for playing video poker than serious players. Many of their triggers for quitting play are also quite different. However, many of the following tips for stopping play also apply to serious players.

  • Many casual players like to play for a short time of one machine – trying their luck as it were. They might insert a 10- or 20-dollar bill. When that is gone, they switch to a different machine, and try their luck there. This process is repeated several times, thus giving the casual player opportunities for a big win at several different machines. While switching machines is not really quitting play, it lengthens the time they can play video poker since when they are switching machines, they are not playing. Not playing means they are not losing.
  • Although they are rarer, many casinos offer promotions such as free play, special pays for certain hands, point multipliers on certain days and times, and things of that nature. Casual players who take advantage of these promotions should consider stopping play when the promotions end. At a minimum, they should consider tucking away a portion of any wins during the promotion period before continuing with non-promotional play.
  • Another great time to quit playing is after hitting a jackpot. A royal flush or four aces with a 2, 3, or 4 ”kicker” can be quite a windfall for any player – especially for a casual player. Cashing out and quitting play allows the player to relish the win without giving any of it back to the casino. An alternative to immediately quitting completely is to cash out the big win and play another $10 or $20 before leaving. Either way, the casual player is going home a big winner. The extra $10 or $20 played could add even more to that win.

There are also some no-brainer reasons to quit playing. 

  • You are tired. Take a break and recharge. The games will always be there. 
  • You are hungry. Get something to eat. You will feel better and have more fun if your stomach is not growling.
  • You need to go to the bathroom. You may be on a good run, do not play so long that have an accidental “run.”
  • Your bankroll is gone. Quit now. Do not go to the ATM for more. You brought what you could afford to lose with you – and you lost it all. It is time to leave.
  • You are bored. Yes, casino gambling can be exciting. The prospect of winning large amounts of money is exhilarating. After hours of play, however, it can become tedious and boring. Stop playing – at least for a while. Leave the casino and walk around. Head back when refreshed and once again excited about playing.
  • Quit playing when you are no longer having fun. Since this is the casual player's primary motivation for playing, why continue when it is no longer fun?


Casual video poker players are not motivated by the same things that serious players are. They are playing video poker to have fun – and possibly become lucky and win. 

The mandatory time to quite playing video poker for casual players is when they run out of money. There are several other options for quitting play that will not only save money (or extend playing time), but will also make the time spent playing video poker more fun. That is what casual players are looking for, right – FUN?

Jerry “Stickman” has been involved in casino gambling for nearly 30 years. He is an expert in blackjack, craps, video poker and advantage slot machine play. He started playing blackjack in the late ‘80s, learned several card counting systems and used these skills to become an advantage blackjack player and overall winner of this game. He also acquired the skills necessary to become an overall winner in the game of craps, accomplishing this by a combination of throwing skill and proper betting techniques. Stich is also an overall winner playing video poker.