How to play a 12 vs. a Dealer's 2 Upcard?
One of the most common mistakes made by blackjack players occurs when they are dealt an initial hand of 12 dealer’s upcard is a 2.
Live Blackjack: The Real Casino Experience
The advent of live casino has revolutionized the way people play casino games. The traditional format of casino entertainment, land-based casinos, remains a popular option for many players.
How to Win at Blackjack With 10 Legal Methods
In this article I am going to summarize ten legal methods to beat blackjack. Before I do, I want to remind the reader of some methods that definitely do not work.
How to win at Blackjack Without Counting Cards?
A common question that I get from gamblers is: “Can you win at blackjack without card counting?”. Much to their surprise the answer is yes.
Splitting for Less in Blackjack
The house rules for blackjack at most casinos allow players to "double for less." Simply put, a player can double a hand for an amount less than the amount of their
"21 News" - A Free Newsletter from 1990
In December 1990, a newsletter by the name of "21 News" first appeared. The newsletter was a compilation of articles posted on the old Usenet group rec.gambling.blackjack.
Blackjack (un)Happy Hour
Promotions are a necessary part of running all casinos. They help bring players into the casino during slow times. Filling seats at the slots and tables is the first step to profitability.
The Win-Rate of the Average Blackjack Card Counter
In “Blackjack Attack, Playing the Pro’s Way, 2nd edition” (BA), author Donald Schlesinger presents the “World’s Greatest Blackjack Simulation.” One of his achievements was to determine the win-rate per
The Not-So-Illustrious 18
Illustrious: (1) clear, conspicuous, distinguished (2) famous, eminent, outstanding. – Webster’s New World College Dictionary ©, 1996
The Effect of Cut Card Placement on Blackjack Profit
The methods used to protect against blackjack card counters are among the most costly managerial decisions many casinos make. Contrary to popular belief, there is not an army of card counters waiting to pounce at the first opportunity.
My Single-Deck Blackjack Skilled-Cutter Fantasy
In this post, I wrote about exploiting advanced knowledge of the specific location of a Ten or Ace in the shoe.
Let Blackjack Card Counters Play
There is a common misunderstanding among surveillance, security, and management that blackjack card counters are among the top reasons that shifts lose money (or have a reduced hold). One floor manager said to me that: “they walk out of here with $600 to $800 each time.” The primary purpose of game protection is not to catch card counters.
Insurance pays 2.2 to 1
I received the following question from a reader:
Hole-Carding Blackjack Shoe Games
Few who work in table games management and even fewer APs know that blackjack shoe games offer hole-carding opportunities. How could this even be possible?