Card Counting the Super Sevens Blackjack Side Bet
One of my first outings as a novice blackjack card counter was to Laughlin, Nevada, in the Spring of 1997. I recall seeing a wager on a six-deck shoe game called the Super Sevens (SUP7) side bet.
Discovering the Lucky Lucky Blackjack Side Bet
In 2009, I made it my mission to visit every casino in the Las Vegas area and to take note of the proprietary table games and side bets they offered. One side bet (Lucky Lucky) in particular caught my eye, both because I had never seen it before and that it was now wide-spread. I decided to contact the distributors of the game and quickly got to know the young entrepreneurs.
Card Counting the Red Flex Blackjack Side Bet
Red Flex Bet (RF) is a side bet for the blackjack variant “Pure 21.5 Blackjack” that is played in California card rooms. This side bet can also work as a side bet for ordinary blackjack, though I am not aware of any blackjack placements.
Card Counting the Royal 20's Blackjack Side Bet
Back in 2003, when I was still a player, I advocated playing against the Lucky Ladies (LL) bet. Back then, there were a few great opportunities, particularly in Washington State.
Perfect Play against the 21+3 Extreme Blackjack Side Bet
One of the first games I posted about on this blog was the blackjack side bet Twenty One Plus Three (21+3).
Card Counting the Upcard Luck Blackjack Side Bet
The Upcard Luck (UL) blackjack side bet is a bit wacky to describe. Payouts are based on the dealer's up-card together with the two cards the player is dealt. In this sense, it is similar to both Lucky Lucky and 21 + 3.
Card Counting the Over/Under 13 Blackjack Side Bet, Update #1
“Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.” – Unknown (not Groucho Marx)
Card Counting the Over/Under 13 Blackjack Side Bet
A long long time ago, in a casino far far away, there was a blackjack side bet called “Over/Under 13” (OU13). The player had the opportunity to wager that his two cards would total more than 13 (Over) or would total less than 13 (Under).
Don Johnson #2: How He Beat Blackjack
When I heard Don Johnson (DJ) speak at the World Game Protection Conference last Tuesday, I expected him to dismiss his blackjack winnings a
Summary of Blackjack Side Bets: 2 Decks
This post gives an overview of the relative vulnerability of the blackjack side bets I've written about in this blog. Some of these side bets have been spectacular one-time opportunities for APs.
When to Split 10s in Blackjack?
When it comes to splitting 10s in the game of blackjack, the bottom line should be:
Card Counting the "Bonus" Side Bet in Over/Under
Over/Under (O/U) is a new table game that has recently been approved and is starting to get domestic placements.
Blackjack Promotions and "Hold"
Beating casino promotions has been the bread and butter of savvy players since promotions began back with casino junkets in the early 1960’s. Players have beaten up free play, match play, multiple point days, cash for points, loss rebates, non-negotiable chips, RFB, and so on.
How to Play a Soft 17 in Blackjack?
One of the hands that often confound blackjack players is when they are dealt a soft 17. Should I stand or hit? What about doubling down? What follows are the facts on how to play this hand accurately every time you play blackjack.
Advanced Card Counting: Blackjack Strategy Deviations
In Blackjack, Basic Strategy is the series of decisions that a player adheres to so that they can incur the minimal loss of funds over time. It tells the player when the appropriate time to stand, hit, double down, split and if applicable whe