Mar 12 2023
The Most Common Mistakes For Blackjack Beginners
So, you’ve decided to give this blackjack game a try. It looks so easy, and so profitable, in “Rainman,” “21,” and “The Hangover.”
Blackjack Probability: What do you Need to Know to Have an Edge?
When a person walks out of a casino the question that inevitably arises in their mind is “Why did I lose?” Most people that play casino games are losing players.
Why Not Mimic the Dealer's Playing Strategy?
A blackjack player once asked me this question: “Every time I play blackjack against the dealer, he always seems to beat me.
The 5 Most Profitable Starting Hand Types in Blackjack
In the game of blackjack, a popular question among novice and intermediate advantage players, card counters, trackers, sequencers and hole carders, is: what is the mathematical theoretical value for various types of starting hands, and more to the point what are the most valuable starting h
Casino Card Games: Which One Has the Best Odds?
Card games have always been favorites among casino players, and blackjack has led the way as the most popular table game for more than 50 years.
How to Play a Pair of 2s
When you are playing blackjack and dealt a pair of 2s (also known as “deuces”), you have two viable playing options: