Henry Tamburin

Henry Tamburin is one of world’s most respected blackjack experts and a world-class player. He is the author of the Ultimate Blackjack Strategy Guide, and Blackjack: Take The Money and Run. He edited the monthly Blackjack Insider Newsletter, and was a featured blackjack columnist for Casino Player magazine, Midwest Gaming and Travel magazine, Gaming South magazine, Southern Gaming magazine, New England Gaming News, Jackpot, Bingo Bugle, and Casino City Times.

He has appeared on numerous gaming shows on the Travel Channel and A&E network, and has been a guest on hundreds of radio shows. Tamburin is also a skilled blackjack tournament player, and an invited guest at the prestigious Blackjack Ball, an annual gathering of blackjack professionals.  He has taught thousands of players how to get the edge at blackjack in his seminars, card-counting classes, newspaper and magazine articles, and on his websites (smartgaming.com and bjinsider.com).

Besides is prowess at blackjack, Tamburin is also a skilled video poker and craps player. His column on video poker playing strategies appeared monthly in Strictly Slots magazine, and he also authored these books: Ten Best Casino Bets; Craps: Take the Money and Run; Henry Tamburin on Casino Gambling; and Winning Baccarat Strategies.    

Henry Tamburin earned a Bachelor of Science and Ph.D. degrees in chemistry and worked as a production and technical manager for an International Chemical company for 27 years while pursuing his avocation as a part-time professional blackjack player. 

Henry Tamburin Ph.D 's Articles

Even though card counting is legal (if you only use your brain), it is frowned upon by casinos; therefore, they will use several different ways to catch suspected counters. Below is a list of some of them based on:

The most legendary team of blackjack players, which beat the casinos for millions of dollars, was the MIT team. Several books (Bringing Down the House, Busting Las Vegas, The House Advantage: Playing the Odds to Win Big in Business), movies (21 and The Last Casino), and numerous magazine stories and television shows have been written about their accomplishments.

Spanish 21 is a variant of blackjack in which all the ten-spot cards have been removed, resulting in a 48-card deck. The game is offered in land-based and online casinos. To compensate for the removal of the tens, and resulting higher house edge, the game has some very liberal playing rules and bonus hands. The basic
Blackjack side bets are additional bets that you can make while playing a traditional blackjack game either in a land-based or online casino. These side bets usually require a rather small wager and they generally have payoffs that are greater than the customary even-money blackjack payoffs. The majority of side bets do not inv

The one aspect of the game of blackjack that has garnered the most publicity is card counting. Countless number of books have been written about it; a host of internet websites and “chat rooms” discuss it; and card counting has even been featured in several popular Hollywood movies (e.g., Rain Man and 21).