7 Tips to Avoid Rookie Mistakes at the Casino
The first few times you visit a casino can be like a first date: excitement and hope mixed with worries and what-ifs. You wonder what to do, how much to spend, how to act if things go well, and how to extricate yourself if they don’t.
8 Things to Know Before Entering the Casino
For grizzled old casino gambling vets you have probably learned what you need to know about entering a casino. I do have a question though: Can women fit into the “grizzled old” appellation?
The 8 Major Mistakes Players Make in the Casinos
We’ve all made mistakes. If I recall correctly I made one in 1968. The casinos can be a world of mistakes because casino gambling opens up the lid on the “let-me-do-this-dumb-thing” jar of the “I did what?” reflection.
Catch Them All: How To Spot Casino Cheaters?
The world´s best casino cheaters use a powerfully proven 10-step method trying to fool casinos into believing that they are legitimate high rollers. How can you spot them?
The Gambler’s Ruin Theory
Understanding The House Edge: Which Casino Games Pay The Best
Casino games are all different. While the house usually wins, some games are definitely better than others for the player.
When The Dealer Has to Say Your Name
When your name is Peter Ness, this is what happens:
"Grand Theft Auto" Gambling? The Bold Future of Online Gaming
The UK online gambling industry appears to rebounding after several years of sluggish growth, as a growing number of millennials are expressing an interest in online gambling.
Intuition vs Data: Should You Trust Your Gut?
Intuition impacts on our decisions - every single day. But what is it? Where does it come from? And should you trust your guts ahead of data-driven decision-making?
An Inside Look: The Secrets of Casino Design
You walk into a casino and find yourself lost in a maze of flashing slot machines, Blackjack tables,
What Really Happens in those Underground Casinos?
Human beings love to gamble. We’ll put our money down on spinning reels, card games, tumbling cubes of ivory, horses, dogs, sporting contests, flips of a coin – even digital representations of any of the above.
Can You Count Cards?
Blackjack is a lot of fun – and it’s even more fun if you’re winning.
Las Vegas Tips: How to Become a High Roller?
It’s 1:00 a.m., Las Vegas time, and you’ve been hammering at the casino all day and all night. Blackjacks drop as if you have control over the cards. Instantly seven-ing out at the craps table is something that happens to other people.
What are the Odds?
Every game in a casino is one of probability. While certain bets you make and actions you take are under your control, the outcome is always dictated to some degree by chance.
15 Things Only Online Gamers Will Understand
Whether you gamble online for fun or as a profession, there’s no doubt that it’s an exciting way to pass the time and make money. However, there are a number of surprises that you’d never have expected before you started playing...